Green Awareness - Index

ITER in collaboration with LCA mapping is excited to present the Green Awareness project as part of a series of sustainability-related initiatives.

In an era of increasing environmental awareness, it is crucial that companies commit to genuine sustainable practices and avoid greenwashingthat is the use of marketing and communication strategies that mislead consumers about the real environmental impact of their activities.

We Are 'Bio-diverse'!

As LCA experts, we have created a unique platform for the sustainability expert community, based on two fundamental pillars: scientific approach and management consultancy.

What are the innovative services offered by the Mapping LCA platform?

🔹 Environmental Consulting by a team of experts with complementary skills across different sectors, tailored to each project
🔹 Comparative LCA studies supported by state-of-the-art tools
🔹 EPD documents
🔹 Sustainability Communication Strategies for your initiatives
🔹 GRI Standards Assistanceimplementing the highest sustainability standards
🔹 Third-Party Audit: ensuring reliability and transparency in your LCA studies

Find the right answers for your customers in the field of sustainability with the support of our team of experts: from energy to communication, from LCA modelling to databases creation.

Benefits for subscribers

✅ Access to online consulting services that can be purchased as a package or with personalised solutions at the customer's site
✅ Use of advanced LCA modelling software during consultancy sessions
✅ Cloud storage for archiving your projects
✅ Easy consultancy booking
✅ Personal workspace for project presentations
✅ Access to free in-depth content (online courses, seminars, webinars, conference materials, etc.).
✅ Customised booth setup in Mapping LCA 3D Area

Mapping 3D Area - The House of the Next Generation

A new and innovative look for Mapping LCA. We are setting up Mapping 3D - The House of the Next Generation: an immersive digital environment to enjoy and access our content and services. Visit the work in progress of the area >>>

Webinars & online courses

Access our archive of free webinars and learn more about environmental sustainability topics. Review content or sign up for upcoming events >>>

Greenwashing Desk

The Greenwashing Observatory is an initiative of ITER and MAPPING LCA to provide concrete and documented answers to companies' questions and requests. The aim is to provide information support and guidance to companies, enabling them to gain clarity, promoting greater transparency in the sector >>>

Products sustainability management & LCA Expert

"PRODUCTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGER & LCA EXPERT " is an invitation-only, limited number course designed to qualify the professional figures of sustainability experts through a highly specialised training course >>>

Easy Guide

The Easy Guide is aimed at anyone wishing to have a frame of reference for understanding environmental sustainability issues, even if they have no previous experience in the field, or the opportunity to delve into all its aspects in detail >>>

Sustainable Events - NEW

We are developing a platform for the design and organisation of a sustainable event management system according to UNI ISO 20121. Detailed documentation will be available shortly >> ask info

Keep in touch:


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Company data

Registered office:
Piazzetta Guastalla, 11 - 20122 Milan (MI) Fiscal Code/VAT Code: 09306810962
Capital stock: € 10,000 i.v.
CCIAA: MI-2082738
ITER is a trade mark patent registered in 1989


Administrative and operational headquarters:
Alley of Heat, 36
21047 Saronno (VA)
Phone: +39 02 099 98 91
Fax: +39 02 2953 2355
