in the foreground

  • Autismo: studiare, lavorare, socializzare - Videointervista al Dott. Mazzola
    Autism: studying, working, socialising - Video interview with Dr Mazzola
      The employment inclusion of people with autism represents a significant opportunity for both companies and society. By understanding the value of neurodivergence, it is possible to create more inclusive work environments, improve business performance and valorise unique talents. In the webinar...
  • INCLUSIONE: la nuova linea tematica editoriale di ITER
    INCLUSION: ITER's new editorial subject line
      ITER presents the new thematic line dedicated to inclusion, with the aim of promoting diversity and representation in all our publications. This initiative reflects our commitment to a publishing world that is more inclusive and respectful of the plurality of...
  • INCLUSIONE: approfondimento sulla tematica del burnout autistico
    INCLUSION: in-depth study on the topic of autistic burnout
      This text is taken from the book Autism: studying, working, socialising..., by Lorenzo J.S. and Andrea F. Mazzola, published by ITER ( and is an update to the printed version. The authors, in view of the relevance of the topic, considered it useful to...

ITER offers modules and training courses addressed to freelancers, companies and organisations on Digital Transformation topics. Our catalogue is divided into the following thematic areas: business management, cybersecurity, digital marketing, technological innovation, privacy and GDPR. A new area is dedicated to Team Building. The courses are live online o on demand. A rich archive of free webinars completes our offer. We can also support companies and professionals in designing and coordinating training courses that are customised in terms of purpose, content and duration.

ITER designs and organises fully customisable events with a strong innovative impact, designed to reach its target audience in the most effective way.

Omat forum is the event dedicated to Digital Transformation and Digital Innovation Projects: WEB EDITION is the online appointment series.

ITER supports companies in defining Innovative Projects and in the search for Funding Calls, managing all bureaucratic aspects. ITER is registered on the Ministry of Economic Development's list of Innovation Managers with its own Innovation 4.0 experts.

Through the project DE Consult offers its clients advice in the world of compliance with a focus on Privacy and Information Security Management Systems.

ITER edits books and e-books on the topics covered by the training courses in collaboration with its team of experienced and qualified lecturers and consultants.

See the catalogue


ITER uses:


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All the contents of this site are protected by current national and international regulations on the protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property. By the term "site", ITER srl, P. I. 09306810962, intends to refer to every technical, graphic and IT element of the site, including, by way of example but not limited to, the software that enables its operation and the relative codes, the contents >> more...

Company data

Registered office:
Piazzetta Guastalla, 11 - 20122 Milan (MI) Fiscal Code/VAT Code: 09306810962
Capital stock: € 10,000 i.v.
CCIAA: MI-2082738
ITER is a trade mark patent registered in 1989


Administrative and operational headquarters:
Alley of Heat, 36
21047 Saronno (VA)
Phone: +39 02 099 98 91
Fax: +39 02 2953 2355
