Social Business Conversation and Small Talk

It is well known that learning English is important for socialising and entertainment in a global world, it’s the language of international communication, the media and the Internet, but it is nowadays fundamental for our work. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a job and a good one either in your own country and abroad.

Thanks to our courses you will learn to use English during your working day in a successful and profitable way.

Find out how by looking into our English modules.

This training course equips non-native speakers with the necessary skills to improve their performance when using Business English

Whoever is interested in improving English knowledge for personal and professional reasons

Docente: Aisling Sullivan

Program – 9.30/17.30

  • “Breaking the Ice”
  • Introducing yourself to colleagues and clients
  • Presenting yourself to a group
  • Speaking confidently about your past experiences and current projects
  • Using correct body language for more effective communication
  • Identifying suitable “small talk” topics
  • Exploring international business “small talk” styles
  • Engaging in effective 2-way discussion
  • Leading conversation using “open” questions

Prezzo Early Booking: 255€

Quota intera: 290€ + iva.

Contattaci per conoscere la prossima data

Vuoi acquistare gli altri 3 moduli singolarmente? Clicca su quello di tuo interesse

Managing Meetings in English

Business Writing in English for Emails and Presentations

Managing Conference Calls in English

Altrimenti acquista il pacchetto completo


  • Facebook
  • Custom 1
  • Custom 2



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Piazzetta Guastalla, 11 - 20122 Milano (MI) Codice Fiscale/P.IVA: 09306810962
Cap. Soc.: € 10.000 i.v.
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ITER è un brevetto per marchio d’impresa registrato nel 1989


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Phone: +39 02 099 98 91
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