Coaching School in Quantum Neuro Programming®

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La Coaching School in Quantum Neuro Programming® (PNQ®) allows you to learn a new coaching discipline based on recent studies of quantum physics applied to consciousness.
Quantum Neuro Programming ® (PNQ®) consists of a set of techniques for focusing thought, harmonising emotions and refining intuition to enter into harmonic resonance with the computer energy field of the universe and thus achieve quantum effects on reality.
Thanks to the coaching techniques taught to our school you will learn how to defuse negative emotions through the hemispheric synchronisation and the cardiac coherence. You will be able to create focused and powerful quantum neurothought fields. You will learn how use the symbols to work on an unconscious level on what you want to bring into realisation. You will study the evocative power of colours and the potential offered by the natural remedies.
You will practise creating the mental emptiness and to understand how your mind interacts with the energies of nature. All in a philosophical framework based on rigorous scientific studies. To our School of Coaching in PNQ® you will learn modern techniques and ancient knowledge that will enrich your life and give you many useful tools for your profession as well.

The Coaching School in Quantum Neuro Programming® is aimed at those who want to approach the new quantum paradigm of consciousness and acquire tools and knowledge to access their potential and improve the quality of their personal and professional lives. It is particularly suitable for: Coaches, Managers, H.R. Managers, Psychologists, Counsellors, Doctors, Naturopaths, Teachers and other people-oriented professions.

  • Understanding quantum physics and the quantum paradigm of consciousness
  • Learning how the ego creates our model of reality by defining it among many possible ones
  • Acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge of techniques of Quantum Neuro Programming®
  • Experimenting with and mastering tools of Quantum Neuro Programming® useful in the field of personal support professions
  • Promoting personal and professional developmentas well as the realisation of one's goals and desires
  • Managing one's emotions
  • Eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviours
  • Strengthening one's leadership skills
  • Living life with greater fullness and inner satisfaction.

All days of the training modules are ONLINE and will see alternating moments of frontal lesson, projection and analysis of video, experiential moments, reflections individuals and groups.

Lecturer: Ermanno Paolelli

Dates: 27/10, 17/11, 01/12 2024 and 19/01, 02/02, 16/03, 06/04 2025

Hours: 09.30 - 13.00 and 14.30 - 18.00


The first Module is a workshop that provides simple and clear access to the basic knowledge of quantum physics and transpersonal psychology, an indispensable basis for understanding the quantum paradigm of consciousness and the evolved functioning of our brain and mind. You will learn how to disidentify limiting beliefs and create empowering thought fields. You will understand how to utilise the enormous evocative power of colour symbols. You will train how to employ some meditation and visualisation techniques related to the use of Bach Flower Remedies to evoke in yourself and others 'Soul Qualities' such as: Patience, Confidence, Determination, Optimism....

Lesson 1.1

  • Quantum physics and neuroscience
  • Collective Unconscious and Unified Field of Information
  • Biorisonance and Entanglement
  • Nature of mind and quantum paradigm of consciousness
  • The quantum brain and its potential
  • Introduction to Quantum Neuro Programming

Lesson 1.2

  • Floritherapy and quantum medicine
  • Quality of soul and evocative power of flower remedies
  • Use of chromatic symbols in personal development and therapy
  • Quantum Neuro Programming through the associated use of colour symbols, positive affirmations and Bach flowers
  • Practical exercises

Numerous studies, especially in the last decade, increasingly confirm the quantum model of the mind and its ability to act on matter, beyond the physical limits of space and time. Experimental models have shown that we are able to act with the intention of thought about plants, the physical structure of water and even electromagnetic signals emitted by computers. Our mind, correctly set, is also able to develop a quantum effect on our targets, on our physical and psychological well-being. To achieve these results, the power of intention must be properly developed, and to do this, one must know and train effective techniques. In this second module you will train your mind to create the so-called neuro-quantum thought-fields, fields of intention capable of acting on reality. You will then learn a series of techniques for focusing thought and harmonising emotions to consistently resonate with the energy-informatic field of the universe and make requests to it in an ethical and ecological manner.

Lesson 2.1

  • Theoretical insight into the quantum paradigm of consciousness and NLP
  • Focusing techniques neurosensory and of visualisation
  • Creation of Quantum Neuro Thinking Fields (CP-NQ)
  • Dream Come True Technique
  • Practical exercises

Lesson 2.2

  • Techniques of relaxation and neuro-quantum breathing
  • Techniques of cardiac coherence and hemispheric synchronisation
  • Follow-up
  • Practical exercises

La quantum physics discovered that behind the apparent separateness of the objects that make up the material world lies a field of funiversal orza, a form of meta-consciousnesswhich binds everything together and in some way guides. To this great universal force field the physicist David Bohm gave the name of Quantum Potential. An evolutionary potential, a kind of pilot wave that in a subtle way guides the lives of all of us, pushing us to realise the great project of theevolution of consciousness individual and collective. Recognising, contacting and using the potential of the Field is the primary object of this Module, which sees in the use of symbols - typical of advanced Quantum Neuro Programming® techniques - its main tool. Each individual has his or her own vocation to be recognised and developed, knowing full well that in doing so he fulfils not only his destiny, but also the unfolding of the quantum potential of the field, bringing into manifestation - through himself - archetypes and universal potential not yet expressed. If we align ourselves and become facilitators of the plan evolution of life, individual and collective, we will give wings to our desires and the strength of archetypes will support our objectives and action plans.

Lesson 3.1

  • Hillman's Acorn Theory
  • Eudaimonia as meta-potentiality of the camp
  • Insight into theUse of archetypes and symbols in PNQ®
  • Techniques of disidentification and de-programming from limiting beliefs
  • Practical exercises

Lesson 3.2

  • Alignment check-up at the Camp
  • Contact with the Field through the Vacuum practice with Eufeeling
  • Feedback and answers from the field
  • Group intention practice
  • Work-out neuro-quantitative
  • Practical exercises

The fourth Module is an Experiential Laboratory of Quantum Neuro Programming® that concludes the training in PNQ®, giving students the opportunity to experience in a practical form all the PNQ® teachings and techniques learnt during the course.

Lesson 4.1

  • Deepening the Vacuum practice with Eufeeling
  • Practical exercises, individuals, in pairs and in groups, on all methods learned in the first three Modules of the school

Lesson 4.2

  • Practical exercises on methods learned in the first three Modules of the school
  • Neuro-quantum work-in and work-out
  • Final Examination to obtain Practitioner Certification in PNQ®.


The quota includes participation in the complete 8-day training course (Modules 1-2-3-4), handouts
and the Diploma of Practitioner in Quantum Neuro Programming®.

PAYMENT by bank transfer
payable to Dr. Ermanno Paolelli - IBAN IT 90 E 02008 02451 000010652019
50% to order
Balance by 25/01/2025

List price
€ 1.600,00

EARLY BOOKING quota (by 10/10/2024)
€ 1.400,00


Organising Secretariat
European Institute of Neuro Quantum Programming
Dr Ermanno Paolelli
Cell. 333 385 7130


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