Percorso Data Journalism

Il percorso di ITER ti aiuterà a scoprire tutti i segreti del Data Journalism per raccontare notizie approfondite e per utilizzare i dati per studi e ricerche. Attingere in modo efficace e rapido a tale quantità di informazioni, rilevare e comprendere le tendenze, rappresenta per un giornalista o uno studioso un obiettivo importante per supportare l’efficacia e l’accuratezza del proprio lavoro.

Acquista il percorso completo a €4.050,00 + iva 22% anziché €5.060,00 + iva 22%


Machine Learning applied to journalism

dates in definition

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Verification of authenticity of sources and investigative journalism

dates in definition

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Advanced search and data monitoring systems

dates in definition

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All the contents of this site are protected by current national and international regulations on the protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property. By the term "site", ITER srl, P. I. 09306810962, intends to refer to every technical, graphic and IT element of the site, including, by way of example but not limited to, the software that enables its operation and the relative codes, the contents >> more...

Company data

Registered office:
Piazzetta Guastalla, 11 - 20122 Milan (MI) Fiscal Code/VAT Code: 09306810962
Capital stock: € 10,000 i.v.
CCIAA: MI-2082738
ITER is a trade mark patent registered in 1989


Administrative and operational headquarters:
Alley of Heat, 36
21047 Saronno (VA)
Phone: +39 02 099 98 91
Fax: +39 02 2953 2355
