The author accompanies us along a path of greater understanding of the main phenomena of the ongoing digital revolution and dwells, from his angle as a jurist, on the processes concerning Big Data, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain.
The reader's interest is guided by the scope of the epochal changes that the use of these new technologies produces on our life habits and the orientation of our choices as consumers and citizens.
A manipulation of consciences, with unthinkable implications thanks to the incalculable power of technologies, in which the parallelism between the economic-commercial level and the political-electoral level is particularly stimulating.
Massive and distorted use of data, personal or otherwise, can therefore undermine the core of the individual's sphere of fundamental rights and, ultimately, the dignity of the human person.
Hence, the reading that is conducted on the most relevant legal institutions that have been introduced at European level to protect privacy (EU Regulation 2016/679) and the need recurrently raised in the volume to think globally about regulatory instruments, especially of soft lawwhich, in a judicious balancing of interests, allow technologies to unfold their extraordinary effects on the economic side and on scientific achievements, but at the same time preserve, indeed strengthen, the rights of the citizen and of the formations where his personality takes place.
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Pagine: 217
Vincenzo Tomasello
Senior Associate at the international law firm SAPG Legal - was born in Palermo in 1987. He graduated with honours in Law from the Catholic University of Milan.
He specialises in corporate law, corporate processes and business contracts. He deals, in particular, with corporate and business consulting, assisting clients in extraordinary transactions and in the preparation of corporate organisation and management models, governance and delegation systems, regulation of holding company services, drafting of intercompany contracts and internationalisation processes, with particular reference to the US market.
Over the last few years, in view of the growing impact that the advent of new technologies has acquired on corporate business profiles and on the rights of individuals, he has developed in-depth expertise in the fields of Fintech, IT, Big Data and in the management of business processes relating to the protection and processing of personal data, also performing the role of data protection officer for the companies he assists.
He gained significant experience in the field of litigation between consumers and financial intermediaries, at the Bank of Italy's Banking and Financial Arbitrator.
Nino Lo Bianco
Presidente Bip – Business Integration Partners – ha contribuito a costruire la storia della consulenza in Italia. È partito dalla sua Sicilia negli anni ’70, con una laurea in Giurisprudenza e un Master in Business Administration all’ISIDA, cercava un lavoro che fosse nuovo e guardasse lontano.
Per questo nel 1973 ha fondato Telos Management Consultants, di cui è stato Amministratore Delegato, sino all’interno di Deloitte Consulting. È rimasto in Deloitte come amministratore delegato Italia e responsabile europeo per alcuni anni. In questi anni Lo Bianco ha maturato un’immensa esperienza nella Consulenza di Direzione ai più alti livelli nell’industria, nei servizi e nella Pubblica Amministrazione in Italia e all’estero.
Nel 2003 ha fondato, insieme a Carlo Capè e Fabio Troiani, Business Integration Partners assumendo la carica di Presidente e Consigliere Delegato. È stato Presidente dell’ASSCO, Associazione Società di Consulenza e vicepresidente FITA. È stato docente di management in numerose business school in Italia e all’estero tra cui l’INSEAD di Fontainebleau, IESE di Barcellona, ISIDA. Tra i suoi interventi più rilevanti si segnalano progetti per aziende quali IRI, ENI, FIAT, Telecom Italia, Iveco, Pirelli, Finmeccanica, RCS, Fondiaria, Ministeri Interni, Difesa, Esteri. Ha scritto per il Sole24ore “Volevo fare il consulente: mezzo secolo di capitalismo italiano visto da dentro”, un racconto personale, una storia collettiva. Vive tra Roma e Milano. Nel tempo libero è contributor di alcune testate economiche italiane.
È Grande Ufficiale della Repubblica.