It is well known that learning English is important for socialising and entertainment in a global world, it’s the language of international communication, the media and the Internet, but it is nowadays fundamental for our work. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a job and a good one either in your own country and abroad.
Thanks to our courses you will learn to use English during your working day in a successful and profitable way.
Find out how by looking into our English modules.
This training course equips non-native speakers with the necessary skills to improve their performance when using Business English
Whoever is interested in improving English knowledge for personal and professional reasons
Docente: Aisling Sullivan
Program – 9.30/17.30
- “Breaking the Ice”
- Introducing yourself to colleagues and clients
- Presenting yourself to a group
- Speaking confidently about your past experiences and current projects
- Using correct body language for more effective communication
- Identifying suitable “small talk” topics
- Exploring international business “small talk” styles
- Engaging in effective 2-way discussion
- Leading conversation using “open” questions
- Correspondence before the meeting
- Planning the meeting
- Welcoming colleagues and “kicking off” the meeting
- Managing your colleague’s contributions effectively
- Asking for opinions and suggestions
- Phrases for politely interrupting, agreeing and disagreeing
- Closing or “wrapping up” the meeting
- Outlining next steps and follow-ups
- Salutations
- Formal and Informal writing styles
- Useful phrases for emails
- Making requests, enquiries, arrangements and clarifications
- Signing off
- Preparing slide text for presentations
- Practising “active” listening
- How to understand native speakers better – identifying and understanding “connected speech”
- Introducing and managing call participants
- Telephone/Conference Call etiquette
- Common idiomatic expressions used in conference calls
- Asking for clarification
- Closing the call and next steps
Quota d’iscrizione al corso: 780 € + iva.
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Social Business Conversation and “Small Talk”