Digital marketing

DISCOUNT OF 10% if you purchase 3 or more courses

Digital marketing

Lecturers: Dr Donatella Ardemagni


Digital Transformation: significato e impatto sul marketing di una azienda.             

  • Comprendere a fondo le dinamiche del marketing online e digitale.
  • Come trasformarlo in un vantaggio competitivo e riorganizzare le attività di comunicazione e promozione.


Digital Marketing e Content Marketing Communication.                                            

  • Come scoprire quali contenuti interessino.
  • Definire il proprio pubblico.
  • Organizzare il Budget di Marketing in funzione degli obiettivi da raggiungere.
  • Come strutturare i contenuti in un Piano (Calendario Editoriale) per agevolare il lavoro.


Digital Marketing e Strumenti per Diffondere e Misurare i Risultati.                         

  • Il  ruolo  strategico delle piattaforme digitali di diffusione e della  Digital  Analytics.
  • Strumenti da scegliere e personalizzare per raccogliere i dati che servono (non tutti i dati).
  • Misurare  le  performance  con  Google  Analytics e gli strumenti integrati nelle diverse piattaforme di diffusione.
  • Calcolo del ROI.


Social Media Communication.                                                                                         

  • Analisi dei diversi canali di comunicazione a  disposizione per raggiungere il target obiettivo.
  • Gestione  di  un  piano  di  digital  e  social media  marketing: costruzione  di  contenuti  coinvolgenti, esperienziali e capaci  di  stimolare  lead generation.
  • Come lavora un  Community  Manager e la gestione dei commenti.
  • Comunicazione Visual: immagini e video Instagram e Pinterest.
  • Fare networking con LinkedIn  come  strumento  di  sviluppo del business e conoscenza del mercato.


Posizionamento sponsorizzato.                                                                                         

  • Come scegliere il circuito in base agli obiettivi.
  • Come calcolare il budget.
  • Come organizzare le campagne e raccogliere i risultati.
  • Quali indicatori.
  • Focus sulle differenze tra i 3 principali circuiti: Google  Adwords. , Facebook Ads e Linkedin Ads
  • Programmatic.
  • Focus su Google AdWords: creare campagne pay per click efficaci (keyword, annunci, costi, rete display, remarketing, e indicatori di performance).


SEO Copywriting.

  • Creazione di contenuti accurati e originali e sull’uso dei meta-elementi necessari a permettere una efficace indicizzazione da parte di Google.


Un corso molto ben fatto, ricco di contenuti ed informazioni utilissime, presentato in modo esemplare da Donatella Ardemagni. Consigliato a chiunque voglia approcciare il marketing digitale.

Alessandro Campana


    Donatella Ardemagni,

    Content Marketing & Marketing Automation Advisor, consultant and trainer, Certifications Unconventional Social Marketing (Sole24ore), Hubspot and SALESmanago


The course takes place at the ITER premises in via Sacchini 20, 20131 Milan (MM Loreto)

Useful info

Registration closes 24 hours before the start of the course, subject to availability. An email invitation and confirmation of registration is sent to all duly registered participants. Courses are subject to confirmation by the organisation, which will be sent at least 3 days before the course date. As the courses have a limited number of participants, it is not possible to show up for registration on the morning of the course.

Replacement, termination and cancellation.

It is possible to replace the participant with another employee of the same company, corporation or institution. In the event of cancellation received in writing within 15 days prior to the course no deduction will be made; after this date no reimbursement will be made, but documentation will be sent. In the event of cancellation by the organisation, liability will be limited to reimbursement for services not rendered up to the amount of the fee paid. Pursuant to Art. 1341 CC I expressly approve the cancellation clause.

Refund clause.

If at the end of the morning of the first day (12.30 p.m.) you are not satisfied, you have the right to discontinue the course, informing the lecturer immediately and requesting a refund of the fee paid to the organisation, which will be made within the following three weeks, with a deduction of 40 euros + VAT for administrative costs for each enrolled person. Any documentation handed in must be returned. The Organisation will not reimburse any other expenses.

Training is certified

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All the contents of this site are protected by current national and international regulations on the protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property. By the term "site", ITER srl, P. I. 09306810962, intends to refer to every technical, graphic and IT element of the site, including, by way of example but not limited to, the software that enables its operation and the relative codes, the contents >> more...

Company data

Registered office:
Piazzetta Guastalla, 11 - 20122 Milan (MI) Fiscal Code/VAT Code: 09306810962
Capital stock: € 10,000 i.v.
CCIAA: MI-2082738
ITER is a trade mark patent registered in 1989


Administrative and operational headquarters:
Alley of Heat, 36
21047 Saronno (VA)
Phone: +39 02 099 98 91
Fax: +39 02 2953 2355
